Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rainbow: 182/365

This globe has a mirror and when put in the light just right, it casts a rainbow.  I'm guessing the mirror works as a prism, but I always stunk at science, so feel free to correct me.  The violet is coming before the blue in this color sequence.  A I'm interested to know but not enough so to do the research, at least for the moment.  I will be late for book club covering When Nietzsche Wept, which I really liked.


  1. I don't know how it works either, but it is very pretty!

  2. I wonder if it's the glass refracting the light. It's very pretty, at any rate -- I adore rainbows.

  3. Love this. I'm betting on the glass, too. Maybe glass of globe + glass of mirror?

  4. I have no idea, but how cool is that?!

    The curve of the globe glass + the mirror?


  5. "Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray." ~Lord Byron

    This is a spectacular shot. I'd love to see it blown up & hanging in a high end gallery somewhere.

  6. Thanks! It's actually the plastic globe that Beth gave me. All of this sun despite the heat is making me very happy.
