Thursday, December 23, 2010

Literal Snow Globe 10/365

Even I'm sick of looking at that same snow globe, so I starting thinking of making one. I will eventually, and bought one from Ben Franklin that I can put a picture in.  I may use words, I may use a photo. I may make a globe out of everyday materials.

But today, I give you Literal Snow Globe. Cheesy? Perhaps. I stood in the freezing cold trying to compose this shot as the wind kept blowing this beast down.  I've got to mix it up before I quit.  I'm currently taking snow globe donations, borrowing some would be work, too. I don't need a butt load, just enough to get me through the next 355 days.  Then I may need it back for a reunion shot #365. Wait that was supposed to be a secret.

Anyway, think Amelie.  Don't you want your snow globe featured on this awesome blog, in exotic Richmond locations and possibly an overnighter in the Outer Banks?  That's an offer I'm not sure you can not refuse.  Your snow globe wants to go places, with me.  Why put it in a  box in the attic when it  could be traveling, held by interesting people, possibly put in body parts and getting all kinds of action?  Your snow globe needs this.


  1. This, darling, is brilliant.
    You are brilliant.

  2. G's class made baby food jar snowglobes last year and I love his so much, it lives year-round on our windowsill:
