Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Globe Inspiration

I just stumbled across this link. It's basically snow globe porn for me!  Awesome stuff and the incredible work of Walter Martin and Paloma Munoz, is blowing me away!  Maybe this project isn't so crazy after all.  Snow Globe Enthusiasts unite!

There are no pics to share, just my excitement which will hopefully inspire tomorrow's photo or work.  May your night be filled with sleep and wonder!


  1. Hi Amy:

    I just began my 365 yesterday and am enjoying finding others doing the same. Fun link. Love the mouse!

    Have you seen the Pixar snow globe short (the one with the snowman)? It's one of my favorite things to come from that amazing creative team.

    Cheers ~


  2. Misha,
    I have seen that Pixar clip. I love it. Having some toys trying to interact with the snow globe would be fun!
